System an Circuit Technology Research Group
The Paderborn university participates in the Meteracom project with the System and Circuit Technology (SCT) group at the Department of electrical engineering and information technology. The SCT group is located at the Heinz Nixdorf Institue.
The Circuit and System Technology group headed by Prof. Christoph Scheytt deals with RF systems, Silicon Photonics, fiber optics communications, RFID, high speed ADC/DACs and mm-wave radar systems. At the Institute, an ultra-low phase noise opto-electronic frequency synthesizer is developed for the THz-radio link. In addition, an ultra wideband sampler using silicon photonics technology platform is under development.
In the Meteracom project, the SCT group contributes with its expertise in frequency synthesizer design, RFIC and EPIC design in fully silicon and silicon photonics technology platforms and characterization of the RF systems.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Scheytt

Meysam Bahmanian

Maxim Weizel